Alexandrina Manowski’s Potato Salad – Alexandrina style

The true story of this Potato Salad is that it is a family favourite. No party or gathering is made without it! There could be so much said about the preparation required of this salad, but you will make it however your hands and heart tell you to make it. My Australian Grandma, Cathe, was the Potato Salad maker until only recently. Our matriarch, left detailed instructions, and the baton as been passed to my mother Krystyna, with careful attention, one can not make this salad without considering the many moments of dedication one takes to prepare any meal. This salad should be made regularly, so as you don't need a recipe but you know, exactly that it is in it! So please take our advice and make it regularly. Dziadek Zbigniew is happiest when the family has a bowl of this Potato Salad on the table. Take care one and all. 

Alexandrina Winter Snack Series

Find the recipe below Manowski’s Potato Salad – Alexandrina style, click to subscribe in the comments


6 large potatoes, chopped and boiled
2-3 rashers of good quality bacon, chopped and fried
2 carrots, peeled, chopped and parboiled
1 cup peas, parboiled
4 hard boiled eggs, peeled, chop into 1cm cubes
1 onion, firstly finely sliced, then finally chopped
6 pickled dill cucumbers (Polskie Ogorki), finely chopped
125ml Alexandrina Crème Fraiche (1/2 cup) 
125 ml Mayonnaise (1/2 cup)
30 ml Apple Cider Vinegar (less than a 1/4 cup)
Salt, Pepper

prepare each of the ingredients into small bowls, before assembling this salad into a large bowl.

mix crème fraiche, mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper.

mix all the ingredients together, and serve.

CALCIUM HERO OF THE DISH | Alexandrina Creme Fraiche
Alexandrina's Creme Fraiche is a naturally matured, thickened soured cream using culture. It has a light and lemony taste, and goes well with both savoury and sweet foods as a condiment. Crème Fraiche is made by adding a culture (special bacteria) to and fermenting our fresh Pure Jersey Cream. It has a subtle tangy, slightly nutty flavour and rich, velvety texture.
30 % minimum fat | available in 500 ml tub.

The other recipes can be found in Alexandrina Cheese’s Seasonal Recipes Series ecookbook, find them here

Looking for Alexandrina Products? To find our list of supportive South Australian stockists visit ---> Stockist List 

Alexandrina Cheese Company – Our products reveal the flavour of our Mt Jagged grazing lands on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. Alexandrina Cheese is located eight kilometres south of Mt Compass, in the central part of the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia – a mere 64kms from Adelaide’s CBD. You may order from our online store ---> Alexandrina Cheese

Find more Alexandrina Recipes here |  Alexandrina Curd’s & Whey blog 

Our recipe of the week is a recipe from our farmhouse kitchen, we always bring this recipe out during the winter school holidays, and when we have a crowd over for celebrating the end of the football calendar year for Grand Final weekend

Our recipe of the week is always due out on the blog on Tuesday. Our Cook - Along - Together Challenge this Winter continues with vigour, with support from the digital team from Alexandrina Cheese Company.

We are on a break from our regular livestream on Wednesday’s, so don’t hesitate to ask via email about how this #challenge is going to work.

Our recipe of this series is this delicious family-favourite Manowski’s Potato Salad – Alexandrina style, it can be found in our Winter Recipe Series blog which can be found right here.

The link to our Alexandrina Cheese Guide is available also —> Alexandrina Cheese Guide.

We are keen for you to post your cooking photographs either on facebook or instagram, using our new hashtags. #cookalongtogether #alexandrinacheese each week the second hashtag will change, stay tuned!


Find us on Instagram @alexandrinacheese

Join our private facebook group, search up ---> Alexandrina Cheese Club - Recipes & Cooking - Australia @alexandrinacheeseclub

– Cooking with Rebekah, so grateful to receive recipes from our customers at the Alexandrina Cheese stall at the farmers market.

This blog is not sponsored, we exclusively partner with Alexandrina Cheese Company Pty Ltd

#winterrecipeseries #alwayschoosealexandrina #snackseries

Gather your will be so worth it!

What to expect? Rebekah delivers a new recipe every Tuesday from Alexandrina Cheese Company. How can you help? Help us grow our subscribers, SIMPLY send this email to a friend --> or ask them to subscribe on our website 







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